Born in Caracas, Venezuela.
Conducts studies on these workshops at the University Art Experimental Simón Rodríguez, dibujo, painting and printmaking workshops in the brandy, free art courses it University Institute of Fine Arts Armando Reveron Caracas Graduates of the School of Visual Arts Cristóbal Rojas in Caracas, has participated in several exhibitions, conferences and artistic experiences is dabbling in the areas of art body, conceptual, social, and photography. Ha expuesto I in the National Hall of Visual Arts, Caracas, City Hall Arts Cristóbal Rojas, Los Teques, Avap Merida Gallery, Gallery La otra Banda, ALU; Merida Shop Metropolitano de Arte, Caracas, Homenaje al April 11, Caracas, II Mega Exhibition, Competition for the Arts, MAC, Caracas II Contest las Artes, Caracas, Arte en el VI World Social Forum, Caracas, 100 years of Guernica, Caracas, John Hall Lovers, Caracas, among Others.